Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Status Update: FSU Basketball

First off, I want to apologize to my mother and the other eight people who read this blog as our posts about this team being "different" and "tournament bound" misled our readers. To say this year was a disappointment is an understatement. Yeah, I know, let's blame Leonard Hamilton. I believe we can, but we have to put the blame on the players as well.

When it comes down to it, their effort on the defensive end for the majority of the season was terrible. That is on the players because Hamilton has a proven record on the defensive side of the ball. We focused our complaints on Boris (rightfully so) but, plain and simple, our defense sucked because our on ball defense and off ball defense on opposing guards was terrible. Basketball is a guard driven game right now and there was nobody on this team who was an elite defender. Devon Bookert was a good defender because he paid attention to player tendencies and gave his all on every position, something I cannot say about any other player on the team. During our four straight years to the tournament every player on our team bought into the defensive scheme of Leonard Hamilton. We used to have great on-ball defenders like Toney Douglas, Deividas Dulkys, and even Michael Snaer. The closest thing we have had to this on the perimeter in the last four years was Aaron Thomas but that was a short stint. The biggest issue with this team over the last four years is its lack of toughness and that has to be what bugs Leonard Hamilton the most.

Steve Wojciechowski, Marquette's basketball coach told his team "Stop playing defense hoping they won't make it, instead play defense where you know they won't make it," during the Big East Tournament and as I listened to him I thought to myself that was a perfect description of Florida State's defense all year long. The want-to on the defensive side of the ball was just not there consistently this season. Part of it is that this team does not play with that edge or toughness that we grew so accustomed to during our four-year run to the tournament. We rotate offensive minded guards in and out of the game now instead of defensive minded big men (Bernard James, Jon Kreft, Xavier Gibson for example). Part of it is a good sign as Hamilton and his staff are adapting to the new wave of basketball but their coaching has not adapted to the offensive-minded guards. I would consider two players on this team as truly tough: Devon Bookert and Phil Cofer. Besides that, they are either soft or have not developed the ability to play tough at all times. Chris Koumadje plays with toughness and heart but his body is not anywhere near where it needs to be. You can also point to Benji Bell, Dwayne Bacon, Jarquez Smith, and Terance Mann as players that need to seriously improve defensively. This team needs to play tougher and individually embrace their roles. I am glad we finally have watchable offensive talent but we need that "Junkyard D" intensity if we want to go dancing again.

Looking forward, I am actually glad that Malik Beasley went pro and I hope XRM follows suit. I have nothing against Beasley or XRM but I believe that we had too many scorers last year and it allowed our offense to become stagnant at times. To address XRM real quick: I think he needs to go pro as we are trying to make him a point guard when he's clearly not. XRM is the pure definition of a combo guard and is a natural scorer and we took away his greatest skill this year. Too many times the Toronto native was looking to create for others instead of beating his man and letting the game come to him. Rathan-Mayes has the best court vision on this team but he is not a point guard. The biggest reason I am glad Beasley went pro and want XRM to officially go pro is because I want this to be Dwayne Bacon's team next year. We need a leader and Bacon's ability to be honest with himself and come back, realizing that his game needs a lot of improvement has me all-in on Dwayne Bacon. No, I will not be wearing a stupid bacon suit. Many people are probably like, "You idiot. Next year this team will be Jonathan Isaac's he is the next KD." I have watched Isaac play in the Nike Hoop Summit and Jordan Brand Classic the past two weeks and while he has flashes of being really, really, really good, right now he is more potential than product. Do not get me wrong he may be our best player at times next year but he will not be our leader. Isaac comes off very mellow and laid back, similar to KD, he is not a leader yet but could definitely be one with time. Isaac will help space the floor and create lanes for Bacon and our other guards. My point is next year's one-two tandem of Bacon and Isaac might be more deadly than our three-headed guard attack of this past season.

As for the rest of the roster, I believe Hamilton will have the most talented roster he's had at FSU. I look for Terrance Mann and Koumadje to have big sophomore years, especially Mann if he gets a more consistent jump shot. Benji Bell should see an increase in production if XRM leaves while also bringing some much needed shooting to the team that is losing its two best three point shooters. Jarquez Smith ended the season nicely, he just has to learn not to foul as much because when he is focused he was our most productive big man. Michael Ojo, one of my favorite players, is not very good but his energy and enthusiasm really gets the team and the Civic Center going. He was vocal throughout the year on the bench and his ability to talk on defense may benefit this team next year. Also I just love the idea of Dwayne Bacon coming off a Michael Ojo screen, I feel like that may seem as a cheat code if executed properly. Phil Cofer could be the biggest X-factor next year as this year we had nobody that would consistently rebound and Cofer will provide that as he is just a bundle of energy and strength. My biggest wish for Cofer next year is to attack more and shoot jumpers less.

Trent Forrest and CJ Walker could be more valuable to this team next year than Jonathan Isaac if they embrace their roles. I honestly believe Trent Forrest could be our best perimeter defender next year as he is athletic and long as hell. He could be that "glue" guy that FSU has desperately missed the past four years if he buys in. CJ Walker could be your favorite player next year as this guy plays with a chip on his shoulder and is an actual point guard (Not an undersized two guard - a point guard!!!!!!!!). In the video below, Walker's team loses - yes - but what I loved was his reaction at the end because I know that kid will play his tail off every night in the garnet and gold. Walker will be able to get in the lane and create for others as well as hit jump shots. I believe next year's depth will have a better overall balance to it compared to this year's.

As for the coaching situation, I believe we need to look in a different direction as Hamilton simply has had mediocre results in his tenure. But kids keep wanting to come play for him, apparently, and his former players will defend him to their death. Granted, the recruiting may be all thanks to his staff just as much as Hamilton's ability to bring in talent. To be honest, I follow way too much basketball recruiting and Coach Gates and Young are killing it on the trail and becoming familiar with 2018, 2019, and even 2020 prospects which helps when these same recruits have the Blue Bloods coming at them.

I am not opposed to Hamilton retiring and Stan Wilcox promoting either Gates or Young to the head coach position because it will make for an easy transition. Stan Jones is well respected in the coaching community and, from what I have heard, he is an offensive genius but why do we not see this on the court? Probably because Hamilton is a control freak but if he wants to keep his job Hamilton may have to let his wing man use some of his genius. This staff is well respected when it comes to recruiting as Hamilton and Jones are great evaluators of talent, whereas Gates and Young can connect with the recruits and befriend them. It is like when you go out to the bar with your friends, some of your buddies are good at evaluating the talent but struggle to communicate, they would be the Jones and Hamilton of the group. Then you have your friends that go out there and connect with any girl at the bar - Gates and Young. What I would love for this staff to do is add a young, offensive minded coach to bring some energy into the program. Who? I have no clue. Maybe a former player or a familiar name. Just someone to make the fan base feel like the program is moving in the right direction.

Overall, Florida State basketball is trending up even if it may not seem that way and the 2016-2017 season will be the deal breaker for Hamilton and Co. If they make the tournament, Florida State could have continued success on the recruiting trail which will lead to more success on the court and we could, maybe have Hamilton retire then promote from within. If we do not make the tournament, Hamilton is done and Stan Wilcox will either hire a coach past his prime or a young up and coming mid-major coach (hopefully the later). I have no idea what to expect in the next year of Florida State basketball, but I can promise you one thing and that Renegade Sports will not over-hype this team again. Thanks for reading this mom.

We do not own the rights to any of these pictures.

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